What’s Your Personal Brand? And why is it so darn important…

A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one’s product or one’s self from others.  Branding has a history that dates back to the stone age and was initially invented to create distinctions and to give value to a person or thing.

Strong brands connect with our mind, body and heart in order to persuade.  The impact of a strong brand sparks an emotional response, builds trust and makes others feel bonded to the product or person.

Your personal brand is how you show up….it starts as an impression and becomes your reputation. Eventually our reputations precede us, which is why it is so important to build your own authentic brand.  Brand YOU should reflect who you are and what you want others to think of when they think of you.  It’s about consistently being your best self.

When developing your Personal Brand, ask yourself the following questions:  1. What makes you different?  2. What are you passionate about?  3. What are your goals?  4. What do you want to be known for?  5. What experience do you want to create for others? It should encompass your strengths, your unique qualities and what you offer to the world.

Your brand is a true reflection of you, and with intention, it can open doors to endless opportunities!

If you’d like to meet branding and communication experts and learn more about building your personal brand, sign up for our next 3-Day Intensive Workshop.