Is your Presence Powerful or Powerless?

By JoAnne Foist

iStock_000016743467_SmallHave you ever been passed over for an opportunity and wondered what the person selected had that you didn’t? Most likely they had a more confident and powerful presence.

Did you know that people judge you within 30 seconds of seeing you?  This means that before you even say a word, you’ve made an impact. And even when you start speaking, over 80% of what you communicate is still through your body language.  So the question is this, are you making a positive or a negative impression?  Not, sure?  Check yourself against this list to see if your presence is powerful or powerless.

Do You Have Good Posture?

A straight upright position communicates self-confidence and builds trust among others.  Practice standing up strait with your shoulders back and your head held high to project a powerful presence.  If you find yourself slouching, you’re communicating insecurity and indifference…that would be a powerless presence.

How’s Your Eye Contact?

Direct eye contact is another sign of confidence and trust. When you look someone in the eye, you’re making a great impression and generating confidence and trust.  If you dart your eyes around, or constantly look down, you’re communicating disinterest and insecurity…not a very positive impression.

Are you Smiling?

Smiling raises your energy, creates trust and attracts people to you.   Smiling also makes you more likable and approachable. If you’re frowning, it communicates displeasure and worry and pushes people away.

Check Your Body Movement

Take wider steps and keep your body positioned forward with your head neutral.  As with the above three postures, this communicates confidence and projects a powerful presence. Plus, walking in this manner actually increases your own energy and confidence. If you walk with your shoulders down and/or your head down, you’re communicating lack of energy and confidence, in other words, a powerless presence.

How did you fair? If not so good, then you could be missing out on huge opportunities! So start making these adjustments to your body language today! If you want additional tips for creating a more powerful presence through body positioning, check out our article “It’s True…Actions Speak Louder Than Words.” You’ll find more detailed instructions for good body language, plus there’s a free body language tip sheet available for download.

And, if you’re serious about building confidence, download our free eBook, Incredible Confidence. You’ll learn how to exude confidence in everything you do. Plus, you’ll receive the Incredible Confidence training series for free!

Serious about building a Powerful Presence? Attend our Powerful Presence Workshop and lean how to get better in everything you do. You’ll leave the workshop with a more powerful presence and improved communications!

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