Moving from Doubt to Get ‘Er Done

iStock_000022305200_SmallPeople who get things done don’t let anxiety and worry hold them back.

They are too busy moving forward to get side-tracked by doubt. They approach new opportunities with a perspective of hope and possibility which inspires them to focus on what they want and take action.

Doubters, on the other hand, come from a place of worry and a perspective of challenges and limitations. When we’re doubtful about being able to achieve what we want, we open our minds to negative thoughts. And, as you can imagine, the more negative thoughts we have, the less likely we are to get started. Doubt can be paralyzing. Even skilled snow skiers sometimes stand too long on the edge of a ski slope, looking down. The longer they look over the tips of their skis, the steeper the mountain appears, the higher the moguls, the further the fall. Doubt creeps in and sometimes the thrill of a lifetime is abandoned for something safer.

What about you? Are you standing on the edge doubting if you should take the next step?

The next time you find that your doubts are holding you back from your dreams, take these 4 simple, yet powerful, steps:

  1. Take a deep breath.

  2. Remember the skills you have that support you to move forward.

  3. Determine your first safe step.

  4. And just do it!

If you’d like to bring more confidence into your life, then we’ve got a special report that’s perfect for you, Ignite Your Confidence!  The Secret to Creating Unlimited Confidence!  It’s loaded with tools and guidance to create more confidence and maintain a courageous outlook in the face of any challenge.

As an added bonus, you’ll also get our Ignite Your Confidence! Training Series for FREE.  Download  Ignite Your Confidence!  The Secret to Creating Unlimited Confidence! Special Report, and begin to build your confidence for success!

Confidence and You

iStock_000017880167_DoubleThink of a recent social or business gathering you attended. Who were the people that projected confidence? You probably remember them well because confident people radiate a warmth and enthusiasm that draws people toward them. They approach these occasions as opportunities to meet, greet and grow. Less confident people, however, generally hide in the background or stick closely to people they know.

We all yearn to have confidence – to feel as if we belong. Here are a few tips to help you feel confident no matter what you’re doing or whom you’re with:

Smile – Confident people smile – they smile with their mouth and their eyes. Their energy is positive. Even when they’re nervous inside, they don’t show it on their face.

Breathe – If you feel a little anxious around people or situations that are unfamiliar to you, take a few deep breaths to relax. Slow, mindful inhales and exhales lower anxiety and nervousness immediately.

Show Interest –  Take the focus off yourself and put it on others by asking thoughtful questions and listening with interest. People with confidence care about others. So always ask, listen and learn.

Use Positive Self Talk – Give yourself positive messages, reminding yourself of your strengths, talents and successes. Recite a simple mantra for when you are feeling anxious or uncertain.

New situations can make anyone feel a bit anxious and uncertain. By applying these simple tips, you will feel less nervous, more empowered, and more confident.

Exciting FREE Report Available….

Incredible Confidence! Secret to Creating Unlimited Confidence! is loaded with tools and guidance to invite more confidence into your life, and maintain a courageous outlook in the face of any challenge.  In this enlightening Special Report you’ll discover:

  • The Root Laws of Supreme Confidence.
  • Proven confidence tricks used by the super-successful
  • How to develop your own “Confidence Core”
  • The 7 Secrets of living a fulfilled life
  • And much, much more…

Download  Incredible Confidence! Secret to Creating Unlimited Confidence! Special Report, and begin filling up your very own confidence reservoir TODAY.

4 Ways to Make Deposits into Your Confidence Bank Account

6a00d83452dc8469e2019b00491a61970dIt’s all too easy to overlook the wonderful things about ourselves when the world is constantly pointing out the things that are not. It’s important for us to be in charge of our own ‘confidence bank account’ and to make many deposits so we do not become overdrawn when the world makes withdraws. Additionally, we must not to rob ourselves with negative self talk, but overflow our confidence bank account with positive thoughts about who we are and what we are capable of.

Here are some boosters that can help keep your confidence bank account full:

#1 – Be aware of your successes.

Keep track of your successes. Literally write them down on a log or in a journal. Keep a record of all successes, both great and small. By writing them down you can review them. This way when self-doubt sneaks in to your mind, you can review your successes and reframe your current challenges in a more positive light. Every time you do something right, make sure you also reward yourself. A reward can be as small as praise, or as big as a formal celebration. Get in the habit of recognizing and rewarding yourself for succeeding in life rather than punishing yourself for coming up short.

#2 – Be aware of your abilities.

What are your abilities? What are the skills you have gained through training and experience? Keep an “I’m good at” list as a reminder of what you are capable of on those days when you feel like nothing is going right. We can feel insecure about our self-worth when we give too much attention to our flaws. So change what you are looking at by reminding yourself of the skills and abilities you possess.

#3 – Be aware of your talents.

What are your talents? What comes naturally to you? Talents, which are innate, are different than abilities, which are learned. The next time you feel a lack of confidence, remind yourself of the talents you naturally possess. Talents don’t come and go; they are with you all the time. You have every reason in the world to remain confident knowing that you always have talents that can be accessed and used when you need them.

#4 – Be aware of the compliments others give you.

Truly listen for the compliments given to you by others. Compliments reveal the value that others see in us. When you hear yourself saying, “I don’t have what it takes”, or “I never do anything right” stop listening to that voice and replace those thoughts by remembering the compliments others have given you. We may sometimes make withdraws from our own account, but positive thinking can overcome any negative thinking that may have been robbing us.

Conclusion? We need to learn to be positive. By being aware of the thoughts, words and actions that shake us, we can take change withdraws from our confidence bank account into deposits that bring us abundance.

If you’d like to bring more confidence and positivity into your life, then we’ve got a special report that will help you,  Incredible Confidence! Secret to Creating Unlimited Confidence!  It’s loaded with tools and guidance to invite more confidence into your life, and maintain a courageous outlook in the face of any challenge.  In this enlightening Special Report you’ll discover:

  • The Root Laws of Supreme Confidence.
  • Proven confidence tricks used by the super-successful
  • How to develop your own “Confidence Core”
  • The 7 Secrets of living a fulfilled life
  • And much, much more…

Download  Incredible Confidence! Secret to Creating Unlimited Confidence! Special Report, and begin filling up your very own confidence reservoir TODAY.